Aiming for excellence? Then get out of your comfort zone!

When I meet people who rationalize against change by saying, “we have always worked that way,” I see before them a solid virtual wall, which prevents them from achievement and excellence in life. This wall has a name: comfort zone. In life, everything changes. The world, relationships, technology, science … EVERYTHING. By contrast, our instinct […]

Deux indices du langage non verbal qui en disent long sur l’autre

Gestion et leadership formation

« Aucun mortel ne peut garder de secret. Si ses lèvres sont silencieuses, il jacasse avec le bout des doigts; la trahison suinte par chaque pore de sa peau », disait Sigmund Freud. De fait, le corps parle plus « fort » que les mots. Le langage non verbal – donc le langage du corps et le paraverbal […]

Constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating

“Hell is other people,” Jean-Paul Sartre famously said. Do you blame others when you experience communication problems, when your message is not understood? “He didn’t understand, but I think I was being very clear!” “How many times do I have to tell him the same thing?” These are examples of blaming another in order to […]